Board Committees
PPOA Committees
Architectural Review Committee (ARC):
Tom Savage (Chair), Carl Henry, Montie Krumnow Marvin, Christine Miles,
Mike Huhnke (Board ARC Liaison)
Grounds Maintenance and Beautification Committee:
Cathy Abernathy (Chair)
Beach Committee:
Jerry Mohn (Chair), Chris Robb, Doug Little
Canals and Bay Committee:
John Young (Chair), Randy Bailey
Communications Committee:
Purvez Captain (Chair), Patricia Woods, Lee Slataper, Sue Reed
Deed Restrictions Committee:
Helen Bullwinkel (Chair), Lee Slataper, Mike Huhnke, Doug Little
Emergency Preparedness Committee:
Bet Jennings (Chair), Rex Ross, Helen Bullwinkel, Brandon & Tina Wade, Cathy Abernathy, James Munoz, Chris Robb, Jerry Mohn, Eric Vaughan, Valerie Cone, Brian & Jennifer Burns, Jed Goodall, Doug Little, Bob and Belinda Strickland, Joe Ryan, Jay Hawkins
Finance Committee:
B.J. Willingham (Chair), Chris Robb, Jerry Mohn
Security Committee:
Joe Ryan (Chair), Purvez Captain, 
Social Committee:
Lee Slataper (Chair), Megan Deless, Gina Erwin, Purvez Captain, Sue Reed, Barbara Marco  
Alligator Committee:
Bet Jennings and Jerry Mohn
Legal and City/Parks Board Interaction Committee:
Doug Little, Bob Bullwinkel